Wednesday, May 4, 2011

15 plus years

Today Dave and I have been reflecting on the last 15 plus years. I thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane to that first meeting 20 years ago.

I would like to say that it was love at first sight as I glanced across the high school choir room and spotted Dave for the first time. However, since I was just thirteen the only person I cared about was Zack from "Saved by the Bell"

I believe this is the first picture of us together.

Fast forward Six years: I love how Dave's glasses are almost as big as my hair.

8 years, 2 kids later

3 more years 1 more kid

2 more years 1 more kid

Poor Dave, he kept saying that this horrible picture would keep circulating and he was right. After all it is the only picture we have to celebrate our 15 years of marriage.

A very happy Anniversary to my sweet husband who after 15 years of marriage I would totally choose him over anyone from "Saved by the Bell"

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