Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Too much Reverence is a Bad Thing

Having to travel 4+ hours to attend a temple is a new thing for us. I realize I didn't have to sell everything I own and travel on a bus sitting by a chicken, but it was still a long drive. So we packed up our Oreo's and Nutter butters and headed north to Spokane.
While Dave and I were in the temple Nate was in charge of the kids at a church house across the street. There were plenty of activities planned and we just asked Nate to help keep the kids fairly reverent. When we came out this is what we found.

I am so glad they had such an uplifting day.


  1. Welcome to the long away temple trips club. We are about 5 hours away from the closest temple...which is Ogden!! But, I don't get oreos on my trips...i feel a little ripped off.

  2. Is that the grass or your living room? Either way, the scene is the same.
