Friday, April 8, 2011

Is there a Charlie's in Montana?

One of my favorite jobs of all time was working at Charlie's while attending Utah State. Who wouldn't want a job where your list of duties included, cut up 30 Reeses Peanut butter cups, and re-stock the cookie-dough. So another dream came true last night, when yet another family gave me this.

Seriously, either the carnival Gods are smiling upon me, or maybe I should re-examine the whole manipulation theory.


  1. Seriously, you do have mad manipulation skills. I can respect that, well, if I get a shake, a pretzel, some nachos, a hot dog, and a cinnamon roll when I come back...

  2. Mmmmm, Charlie's. Is it still there?

  3. And here I thought after all these years that Playitagain sports was your favorite job...I am extremely jealous of all your awesome food gizmos.

  4. There's a Charlie's in Poky... but it's a gay bar.. so probably not the same thing.


  5. when your metabolism changes and you gain 100 lbs over night, I will laugh and laugh and laugh. or when all your teeth fall out. whichever comes first.


  6. If you keep this up, you're going to find the Carroll family sitting on your doorstep, posing as starving beggars...
