I have been a blogging loser lately. Here are some of the reasons.
1. New Years. I had an Epic New Years Eve party. O.K. it wasn't epic, and all my guest were gone by 10:30 p.m. so we had to have a fake ball dropping ceremony at 10:00 just so I could use all my noise-makers and fake champagne. (It was still better than our first year of marriage where Dave fell asleep at 10:15p.m. and I cried and drank Martinelli's by myself... He has learned his lesson since then.)
2. I turned 35.
1. A new Cake Cricut machine. If you don't know what this is, Google it and then be jealous of me.
2. New Mickey mouse cooking utensils. Ahhhhh now my toast and eggs will be happy every morning.
3. My Gas station party. Oh yes, some of my friends wanted to take me out for ice-cream but at 9:15 p.m the entire town was shut down except for my trusty gas station. I had a fur-real shake. ( Not to be confused with the Fureal toy pets)
3. Tax Season
I don't even do Hatch Patch taxes, but just getting the stuff ready for my accountant makes me want to drink Drano.
4. Our ward split. O.K. this has nothing to do with blogging but it is BIG news in our little valley so I thought I should mention it.
5. Guy's celebrity cook-off. I know what you are thinking. The Revelli's need Food Network therapy. I would have to agree since Jonny has decided to be a Sugar Artist when he grows up.