Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Fire Pit Felony

Doesn't everyone realize that today is National S'more Day? So you can imagine my distress when I went out into my backyard yesterday and realized that someone has stolen my fire pit.

Exhibit A.

This is wear the fire pit used to be.

Now, I admit it wasn't the most glamourous of fire pits, but it did the job. How are we supposed to have our anual "Last day of School Book burning party" So, I hope whoever stole my fire pit is reading this and feels bad that I will not be able to make s'mores on "National S'more Day" and I will have no-where to burn our books.


  1. Sad times Jill. So everyone is not so honest in Montana, huh? Maybe you could warm them in the pretzel warmer and cover them with nacho cheese sauce? Just trying to help.
