Monday, December 28, 2009
James Bond doesn't hold a candle.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ahh A Griswold Christmas

Monday, December 14, 2009
I have turned into the Mom from "Better off Dead".
Dave is also picky about his cold cereal. I for one refuse to buy any cereal that is over $3.00 a box. Dave has complained numerous times about my cereal selections. Seriously, who doesn't want Fruity Pebbles for breakfast? It was his birthday this week so I decided to splurge and buy some "grown up," expensive, cold cereal. I forgot to get it out the morning of his birthday so I decided to wrap it and give it to him with the rest of his presents. When he opened it, he started laughing and pointed out that I have turned into the mom from "Better off Dead" Ahhh. "You like this one, it has raisins in it. You like raisins"

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Robbery and Silent Night
Another thing we don't worry about is the whole "Separation of Church and State" thing. I attended my first elementary school choir concert tonight. We heard some of the normal songs like "Sleigh Ride", and "Jingle Bells". We also heard "Silent Night", and " Mary had a baby." I wanted to get up and cheer! I was so excited, except I was afraid the A.C.L.U. was going to come crashing in and yell at me to stop.
I think I am going to send a note to school with Nathan saying I would appreciate it if they had a prayer at the beginning of class. Who knows, they might go for it.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thanksgiving Break part 2
Now, as some of you know I tend to be on the competitive side so when we took our family bowling with the Standifirds (a.k.a Denver Era friends ), I was excited to show off my great bowling skills. Here are some of our scores as a family.
50, 67, 74, 87, 93
Now, you might be saying "oh, how cute. Look at little Jonny's score. He hit 50", but oh no, that would be my score. So am I really that bad at bowling, or did I throw the game to make Jason feel more manly? I would have to say the latter. I am just a "giver." What can I say?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Holiday part 1
I would come home for Thanksgiving and this is what you would have heard if you were in my car. " Holy cow, look how cute this little town is. There is no traffic, only a few stop lights, and that weird house on Front street with the plastic dinosaurs." Evanston seemed to get smaller with every additional visit. This last week, we came driving into Evanston again. This time however I was so excited!
"Oh, look a Wal-mart, and Wendy's and Sonic!" I also realized that the weird place that has dinosaurs is actually a rock store. I could buy rocks if I wanted to.
Ahhh home. It is all about perspective.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday Find (Hunting Addition)

I also found a skull and antlers of something or other in my garden. At first I thought it was a grave marker. Wouldn't that be my luck if there was some dead thing buried in my flower bed? But, I have decided it was actually put there for decoration. If I decide to dig up the ground underneath, I will let you all know. Stay tuned!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Time stands still for Hunting Vacation
A couple of weeks ago I needed a plumber. So, THE plumber said he could come out to fix some of my pipes. ( Woo hooo, that's great... oh not so fast) He isn't taking any more jobs until after hunting vacation.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Star Wars in Stars Hollow

Thursday, October 29, 2009
At Least Laura Ingalls knew how to carry a chicken
As you can guess, it is starting to get pretty chilly here in the Arctic so it was time the chickens at the boys school moved from there happy summer home to their winter quarters. Ben was asked to help carry the chickens through the school. When he got halfway to his goal, the chicken he was carrying became "violent" and started pecking at him. Now, Ben not having a lot of experience with pecking chickens and not enjoying the confrontation, dropped the chicken. Then a chase ensued involving Ben running through the halls. Finally, he was aided by a teacher who heard the chicken from her room. Eventually, Mrs. Lodge caught the chicken. Ben was then told to go back through the school and pick up all the feathers.
I think we will stick with insects and fish.

Here is Ben, and his Evanston Cousins at the chicken coop
Monday, October 26, 2009
Laura Ingalls never had to sell wrapping paper!

Let’s be honest! All parents hate school fundraisers especially when your child runs home so excited to sell 100 dollars worth of wrapping paper. Then they get a 2 dollar helicopter. I have been pleasantly surprised since starting school there has been a serious lack of any fundraisers. I have decided that there was a reason we never saw a fundraising episode on “Little House on the Prairie” The same applies to us here.
- There are only 87 students in our entire school, so if they do go somewhere, one bus fits them all, or it's because there is really nowhere to go, so no need for field trips.
- Nathan, as a fifth grader, has cafeteria duty after lunch- cleaning trays washing, tables, etc. They save money by only having 1 lunch lady!
- The school was built in 1887 and still uses the original bell, cutting on electricity, so I am sure the school has been paid off for awhile.
- My kids weren’t allowed to drink any of the water, due to E-coli being found in the hundred year old pipes. (again low water bill)
- Ben and Nathan both help take care of the schools large garden. They are also allowed to eat whatever they want at recess. (no need for snack money)
- Last of all they have their own chicken coop. They take care of the chickens then sell the eggs at the local farmers market to help pay for parties, computers, etc. ( Laura Ingalls would be proud )
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I love Cowboys
1. Do you have to be a cowboy to attend?
2. Do you Worship Cowboys?
3. Do you simply have to own a cow?

Monday, October 12, 2009
Another fun find
I call him: Weired scare-crow
headed for the disco.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Parade

We had the senior citizen Cloggers, and Square Dancers:

I so wanted to jump up there and join them.
We had the Taxidermy float

You can't really see it, but they had stuffed animals with arrows through them. I thought it was very clever.
The local fertilizer store even threw out something. No not candy or Frisbee's but packets of fertilizer and seeds.

My favorite part was the candy. It wasn't like those boring old parades where politicians throw candy at you. No, we had a cement truck spinning the candy, and shooting it out the long barrel thingy ( do you like my proper terminology)

I think the parade cemented my boys love for Montana.
(ha ha ha get it? Cemented, Oh I crack myself up)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
One year ago
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Call me farmer Jill

Luckily we don't even have to pay for our water that we use. We simply pump it from the ditch in the back. woo hoo
Next year I am going to plant alfalfa in my garden. I think it would make my dad proud.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Animal Life
Nathan: MOM!!! There is a bobcat!
Me: I don't think that is a bobcat (squinting trying to see the animal)
Nathan: Oh yea, It must just be a really fat squirrel.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday Find

How lucky am I? Now when I get my first horse, and it happens to get lice, do not fear I own Horse Lice Treatment. (Also works on swine.) Wooo hooo!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Little Piece of Heaven
We were at the "Ravalli County Fair" (yes I know Ravalli, ha ha) last week. It was pretty much the same as most small town fairs until we saw THE BOOTH. Oh yes the light came down, angels were singing and we saw the sign. "DEEP FRIED TWINKIES" It was Twinkie goodness dipped in cake batter, and fried to a beautiful golden brown. Seriously does life get better. I have decided to buy a deep fryer, so then I can have two perfect foods together. Ahhhh deep fried Twinkies, and cotton candy. A little piece of heaven.

Monday, September 14, 2009
3 Minutes
Bad New: At 4 minutes, you are out of town.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Unpacking is sounding good right about now

Our tent in the back yard, I know it's an exciting picture, but it is the only one I took.