and Allison.
Even nicknames can stick. My freshman year of high school a new girl moved in, but since I already knew an Elisabeth I decided her name would be George. 4 years later no one in our school knew her real name, "George" was on her basketball jersey and in the year book. She will probably never forgive me. So I have decided my habit of calling my children by nicknames should probably end.
Sarah: The Beast: A couple weeks ago some random teenage girl came up to me and Sarah, and said "Oh Hello little beast" You might ask "why do you call her beast?)
I have started calling Jonny either Hugh or Heff. Everyday after school he immediately changes his clothes to this outfit.

Yesterday Ben asked "So, why do you call him Hugh"
Yesterday Ben asked "So, why do you call him Hugh"
Me: hmmmm, welll he dresses like a guy named Hugh Hefner.
Ben: Who's Hugh Hefner?
Me: hmmmm, welll ahhh, he's a ... oh, he's a specialty entertainment publishing mogul.
Ben: ahhhh, (shrugs his shoulders) allright.
Since I really don't want "Beast" or "Hugh" in the yearbook, I need new names.