Last week when I wasn't searching for Oreo's, we took our family to see the lights at Temple Square. We haven't been there at Christmas for over a decade so we really wanted our kids to see it. It was beautiful as always, but it made me wonder if the workers ever swear and throw the temple lights at the nearest statue. I kind of doubt it, which means I will never get a Christmas Job putting up lights at the temple.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Do temple workers swear?
Friday, December 16, 2011
Nabisco, Why do you hate me?

Problem: I ate two of the boxes on my 9 hour drive home. (I did share a few of these with my family)
That only left me with 3 boxes; I ate one yesterday leaving me with only 2 boxes.
Never Fear, my friend Kristy sent me 3 boxes of the actual happy “Candy Cane Oreos”

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Gas cost .10 cents a gallon
Warren Harding was president. (Who? obviously they didn't cover him in the 5th grade at Aspen Elementary)
Al Capone was on the loose.
Everyone was dancing the Charleston ( I actually taught the youth this dance last week)
Last but not least my Grandma Hatch was born.
Yes, for all of you who are not math majors that makes her 90 years old today. My grandma still drives around, makes yummy breakfasts, and remembers every single grand kid and great grand kids birthdays. I pray I get her genes. Even if my bad eating habits knock 5 years off, 85 is still really good. So Happy Birthday to my Grandma Hatch.
Friday, December 2, 2011
All those years of Monopoly have paid off
Ben: "Hey mom, I made 8 starbucks today" (remember the whole fake money thing at school. This earns them extra time for assignments, extra recess, prizes, etc. Also on a good day you might get one or two.
Me: "Oh my Nellie! That is awesome! How did you get so many?"
Ben " Huuuhh, hmmmm, I kind of started a new program"
Me: (starting to doubt)”Huh, what kind of program?"
Ben: “I got a few people to invest their starbucks and then I opened a bank"
Me: "What?"
Ben: (Again, looking at me like I'm a little slow today) When someone needs star bucks for an assignment or other thing, I loan them some and they pay me back with 1 star buck interest."
Now due to his skills at Monopoly, Ben will not have to do any homework for the rest of the year.
is someone was willing. I now realize that these years of playing have trained him for
Monday, November 28, 2011
Turkey Day High and Low
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
My Pilgrim skills are lacking
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"With great power, comes great responsibility" Spider Man
Ben: Mrs. York said I can't use my search warrant.
Me: Uuhhhhhhh you had a search warrant?
Ben: Yea, I wrote one. I am pretty sure someone took the star bucks (old Monopoly money) we were trying to save for the class party. ( A party that I am providing everything for.)
Me: Why are you handling this?
Ben: (Looking at me like I just don't understand) Mom, I AM the class President.
Luckily Ben loves this teacher, so I doubt he will be taking a list of demands to the principal over it.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Everything is better this way
It is the only time in my life I will spend $4 on a fruit snack size bag of pretzels.Even though the picture doesn't show it. Dave really is excited about his snack.
I even brought the joy home with me. I bought myself a Mickey Mouse toast press (easting toast will never be boring again.) I also bought a pancake mold. Now my breakfast everyday will taste better.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Good things come to those who wait
:Candy Cane Oreos (Oh, happy cookies when will you be here?)
: Raspberry cream Fudge from the Phillipsburg candy store.
:Cafe Rio (Oh, how I have missed you)
Yet, who in their right mind would wait over 2 hours to meet a teenager in a wig........ Oh, that would be me my friends.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween Highlights
After building his own light-saber this week, Jonny changed his mind again and wanted to be a Jedi
After the Teletubby of 2010, this was the best I could get out of Dave.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Oh Halloween, how I love you.
Positive: Setting up a new door bell that has 4 different screams, and ghost sounds
Negative: Jonny ringing the door-bell 30 times a day
Positive:Being able to order anything Halloweenish from Oriental Trading.
Negative: I didn't realize that when I ordered a dozen slime filled toilets that the slime would actually come out.
Positive: Jonny decided instead of Bobby Flay he would be Mario for Halloween.
Negative: This comes with Jonny trying to sound like an Italian 24 hours a day.
Postive: I finally finished making Ben his Aragon costume complete with leather duster thing and cloak.
Negative: Conversation with Ben concerning the costume:
Me: "Hey, I finished your Aragon costume today"
Ben: "What! I told you I wanted to be Aragorn not Aragon"
Me: "Seriously! I thought you wanted to be the guy from Lord of the Rings
Ben: "Yea, Aragorn!"
I then went to a middle earth web-site and realized that they are indeed the same person.
All in all, it is still my favorite time of year.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Too much Reverence is a Bad Thing
While Dave and I were in the temple Nate was in charge of the kids at a church house across the street. There were plenty of activities planned and we just asked Nate to help keep the kids fairly reverent. When we came out this is what we found.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Like Father Like Son
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Haven't heard that one before
"I think it is your personality that I just don't like"
"Are all people from Colorado like you?"
Yet, I think my favorite was this last week at church. We like many of you have been studying the Apostle Paul.
Unknown offender: "I think if the Apostle Paul had met you, he would have really hated you."
Huh, that's a new one. I think we should follow their examples and strive to be honest in all our daily doings. Or, maybe not.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
You told Sarah What?
Monday, October 3, 2011
That's Ravalli over there in the Maroon jersey
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
You're never as cool as you think you are.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Spell check has failed me
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Hanging my head in Shame... AGAIN
Nate: So, how is he going to take it off?
Me: hmmm they burn it
Nate: THEY BURN IT! Are you kidding?.
Me: No, but it will be fine, I will be right there with you the whole time.
Nate: hmmmm ok.
So as we waited in the office, I realized they were running kind of late and I needed to pick up Ben. I went to the receptionist and asked how long she thought it would be. The nurse assured me that I had plenty of time before he went under the knife so I ran to get Ben.
In my car rushing back to the Dr's
Ring ring Ring
Me: Hello
Nate: Hi, hmm can you come pick me up?
Me: What! are you done?
Nate: hmm yea,
I hung my head in shame again.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
At least they won't starve
Me: "Seriously... Have you heard of PB&J?"
Ben: "PB&J is gross"
They all need therapy.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Another reason you shouldn't leave your children in my care.
Unfortunately, I have picked up a bad habit of not nurturing my children when they are injured.
Example 1 ( A couple years ago)
Nate: Mom, "I really hurt my shoulder today playing soccer at recess."
Me:" umm, I am sorry, would you like a Tylenol... What did you have for lunch today".
4 Weeks later when I try to get Nathan off the couch
Nate: "Aahhhhh ouch!! I told you I hurt my shoulder last month!"
1 day later in Dr's office
Dr. giving me a dirty look while starring at x-ray. "Well, it looks like he broke it, (another dirty look) It should have been braced, because now it has healed crooked. Wasn't he in a lot of pain?"
Me: "uhhhhhh" I hang my head in shame.
Example 2 (last week)
Ben: Hobbling in after football practice. "Mom, I really hurt my foot."
Me: "Your probably just rolled it. Walk it off, it will be fine."
3 Days later Me: "How are we supposed to go up the canyon if you don't try to put weight on it?"
Ben: "It really hurts."
7 Days later: The only foot doctor in Hamilton is having dinner at our house and looks at Ben.
Dr. Dickemore: "Hmmm you should bring him in, it looks broken. Don't let him put any weight on it."
So now I am looking at Ben who's entire leg is braced up to his knee and hanging my head in shame.
Friday, September 9, 2011
It's 2012 in Hamilton
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A first time for Everything
We explored an old mining ghost town. Sadly the abandoned school doesn't look that different from Grantsdale Elementary. Ha ha I am just kidding.. I love the school here complete with chicken coop
Thanks to Uncle Mike a.k.a. "Maverik". Nate went on his first plane ride.
This last weekend Dave and I went on our first date to a gas station. Yes, you heard me right. You would go on a date there too, if your gas station had a new cool machine that can make happy Reeses shakes out of nothing but a machine and 2 inches of frozen stuff in a cup.
This morning was our first day of school. I know it is late by comparison to the entire nation, but we can't get in the way of the Ravalli County Fair can we?
Jonny introduced himself to his teacher by saying.. "You can call me by my french name Jean... you know like Jean val Jean". Ok, no more musical theatre for Jonny.
Monday, August 29, 2011
The joys of summer
Earlier in the summer one of my bestest friends came out to see for herself all the craziness and hopefully meet the lady who is in love with John Wayne. Even though we didn't meet the Duke lover we did have an amazing time. We traveled to the happiest candy store ever, played lots of cards where I totally dominated, and just enjoyed all that my little town has to offer. Since she describes it so much better than I can I will refer you to her.
Big Sky Country
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Return of Little league Football
Crazy mom sitting by me "So we are so lucky to get "so and so" for a line coach."
Me: uhhh, why is that?
Crazy Mom: (Looking like I should know already) He was a Bobcat!!
Me: (In my head I am saying.. bobcat, bobcat...yea, that means nothing to me)
So, should I know who the Bobcats are?
Crazy Mom: (another look) They are the hated enemies of the Grizz!
Of course how could I not know the small college in Missoula has hated enemies called the bobcats and they used to have a player in the 80's who is now our line-coach. We are indeed lucky.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sidewalk chalk.. not just for pre-school
Even Dave got into the spirit by writing a 20 foot " I love Jill" in our drive-way. Maybe they will break out the play-dough tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Fire Pit Felony
Now, I admit it wasn't the most glamourous of fire pits, but it did the job. How are we supposed to have our anual "Last day of School Book burning party" So, I hope whoever stole my fire pit is reading this and feels bad that I will not be able to make s'mores on "National S'more Day" and I will have no-where to burn our books.
Monday, August 8, 2011
A Culinary Masterpiece
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Goose Attack
When from out of nowhere a very aggresive goose started to attack. What is up with me and crazy animals trying to kill me? examples: demon squirrels from Denver, Pitbulls, and now this crazy goose. I am not exagerating when I say he was chasing us. In fact Brian saved us all by running to get the riding lawn mower and forcing it back to it's demon pond.